In this season’s anthology series, season one’s „American Horror Story“ is followed by the Harmon family, a family of three who moved from Boston to Los Angeles to start a new life, but ended up in evil, corrupt homes. Intrigued by producers Ryan Murphi and Brad FalchukDolazi, looking for a second season of erotic and terrible story of my life, the series is devoted to the legend of the bloody face that in 1964 housed in the Catholic homeSpa treatment, which is nothing more than a serial killer, at least threatens the danger to both residents and co-workers. In season three of the witch groups, tackling enemies inside and out, while trying to survive in today’s fourth season, is one of Jupiter’s final, ugly shows in Florida, deals, serial killer, psychopathic society. This season, which plays in the fifth season, is currently in operation, the Cortez Hotel in Los Angelesis haunted by the spirits that died inside. The unique look of the vampire creatures haunts the sixth season, the reality shows the break in the haunted house Roanoke, but they release their strengths