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IObit Uninstaller 2 is a uninstaller for Windows.
IObit Uninstaller 2 emphasizes the uninstallation of cyber-programs and programs. Whenever you delete it, you will have a Standard or Advanced Extract option, so that you can complete a powerful scan process to remove the residue.line
IObit Uninstaller 2 also offers forced uninstallation, which allows you to specify the path to uninstall an application file. This is really useful for those cumbersome programs that do not even appear in the list of installedprograms. Finally, there is the ability to remove the toolbar.
Except theseThe advanced IObit Uninstaller 2 features many other features that make it easy to use. It has a search function, the ability to make a series of deleting multiple programs at one time and, of course, different filters for installed programs so that you can identify those thatyou need to remove yourself.
The IObit Uninstaller 2 Help is available on the Internet and has many configuration options. You can export a list of your programsand manage the logs of previous uninstallation, but that’s a lot. In general, the functionality of IObit Uninstaller 2 is not far superior,than a built-in Windows uninstaller, but if you are looking for a more attractive interface to work with, or if there is a specific program that gives you problems, this is a good, effective option.
IObit Uninstaller 2 is a good uninstaller for persistent programs. However, average users can actuallydo not win from this.
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